Below are a list of tools that are useful for software development. I have categorized them based on the language I saw them being used in - this doesn’t exclude them from possibly working in other languages.
.Net / C# Development
- ReSharper - developer productivity tool for Visual Studio
- CodeMaid - open source developer productivity tool for Visual Studio
- FluentMigrator - relational database migrations
- Atomiq - Code Similarity FinderWindow
- NCrunch - Automated concurrent testing tools for Visual Studio
- NCover - Test / Code Coverage Tools
- MSpec - .Net Specification Test Framework (BDD)
- Brackets - open source code editor for web designers and front-end developers
- LightTable - code editor
- JS Online Reply - javascript online repl
- ConEmu - console management
- FogBugz - bug tracking
- Kiln - git / mecurial VCS gui
- SourceTree - free git / mecurial VCS gui
- Uncrustify - Source Code Beautifier for C, C++, C#, ObjectiveC, D, Java, Pawn and VALA
- Launchy - Quick Launch Applicaions
- Text Editor Anywhere - useful tool for keeping your favorite text editor everywhere!
- EditorConfig - define and maintain consistent coding styles between different IDE’s
- Process Explorer from Sysinternals - useful for seeing all processes on a machine
File Transfer
- PNGQuant - command-line utility and a library for lossy compression of PNG images.
- Image Magick - create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images.
- PunyPng - Image compressor for designers and developers.
- TinyPng - Optimize your images with a perfect balance in quality and file size.
- Hacker Typer - pretends you are programming