Mark Pearl

Often the beauty of code is in it being succinct without loosing it’s meaning.

Compare the following two equivalent poems… see which one holds more beauty to you?

Poem 1

What life is like in Harlem  

What happens to a dream that has been deferred for a time?  
Does it dry up  
Like the way a raisin does when it's in the sun for a while?  
Or does it fester like the way an ugly sore would -   
And then after that does it run and run?  
Does it stink like rotten meat would smell to you?  
Or does it sort of crust and sugar over - you know -  
Like the way a syrupy sweet would?  
Maybe though it just sags in a downward motion  
Like the way a heavy load would sag.  
Or does it on the other hand explode like a bomb would?

Poem 2


What happens to a dream deferred?

      Does it dry up
      like a raisin in the sun?
      Or fester like a sore—
      And then run?
      Does it stink like rotten meat?
      Or crust and sugar over—
      like a syrupy sweet?

      Maybe it just sags
      like a heavy load.

      Or does it explode?

Removing fifty nine unnecessary words reduces the text from 113 to 54 words and uncovers a great poem. Now, if we look at code - I have two implementations solving the same problem

Code 1

defmodule Howmanydig do

  def is_not_false(n), do: n !== false
  def is_two_digits_or_more(n), do: length(n |> Integer.digits) >=2
  def is_two_numbers_within_delta(a,b, delta), do: abs(a - b) <= delta
  def get_digits(n), do: n |> Integer.digits
  def is_unique_digits(n) do
  	digits = n |> get_digits
  	digits |> Enum.uniq |> length === (digits |> length)
  def is_digits_matching_compare(n, compare, initial) do
  	n |> get_digits
    	|> Enum.reduce_while(initial, fn(cur, prev) -> 
      			if (compare.(cur,prev)) do 
            	{:cont, cur}
            	{:halt, false}
      |> is_not_false
  def is_digits_increasing(n), do: is_digits_matching_compare(n, &(&1 > &2), -1) 
  def is_within_delta(n, d) do 
  	initial = n |> get_digits |> List.first 
    compare = fn(a,b) -> is_two_numbers_within_delta(a, b, d) end
  	is_digits_matching_compare(n, compare, initial)
  def sel_number(n, d) do
      |> Enum.to_list
      |> Enum.filter(&is_two_digits_or_more(&1))
      |> Enum.filter(&is_digits_increasing(&1))
      |> Enum.filter(&is_unique_digits(&1))
      |> Enum.filter(&is_within_delta(&1, d))
      |> length

Code 2

defmodule Howmanydig do
  def sel_number(n, d) do
    |> Stream.filter(&(length(&1) >= 2))
    |> Stream.filter(&unique_increasing/1)
    |> Stream.filter(&diff_neigh_pairs_not_exceeds(&1, d))
    |> Enum.count
  def unique_increasing(l), do: Enum.sort(Enum.uniq(l)) == l
  def diff_neigh_pairs_not_exceeds(l, n) do
     max =, tl(l))
      |> {prev, next} -> next - prev end)
      |> Enum.max
    max <= n

The second code example to me is more beautiful than the first. It has managed to not become ambigous, while still solving the same problem. It’s succintness is its beauty.


Keys to Great Writing Ch1

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