Mark Pearl

If you are new to NASM like me – you might find the following code snippets useful just to get started… (this is targeted to the Windows environment, it may be different in Linux)

Printing the number 6 character to the console… the value in the ah register changes to 02h and you mov the message to dl

org 0x100 bits 16 jmp main

displayCharacter: mov ah,2h int 21h ret

main: mov dl,36h call displayCharacter int 20h Printing a string to the console…. the value in the ah register changes to 09h and you mov the message to dx

org 0x100 bits 16 jmp main

message: db ‘example text’

displayString: mov ah,09h int 21h ret

main: mov dx,message call displayString int 20h

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