Mark Pearl

Things to do before writing

  • Come up with a title (it will guide you as your write, and should be helpful as you market the book)
  • Identify your the basis or thesis of the book


When writing

  • Things don’t need to be perfect, editing will take care of flaws later

Get it written then get it right

  • Be careful with absolutes and guarentees
  • Cite your quotes
  • Work towards a deadline

How large should it be

  • About 10 000 words
  • Roughly 9 Chapters


Things to consider:
1) Who gets what royalty
2) Who has what control
3) What tasks need to be done and who does what

How to get a ISBN Number

  • Owning the rights to the ISBN number is like owning the URL.

How do you get a ISBN Number?

  • still need to find this out

Self Publishing

  • You keep all the profits
  • Options are


  • O’Rielly
  • PragmaticPub


  • Check costs for printing, distribution, marketing
  • Compare other books in the category and see what they are priced at
  • Decide what your aim is, wide distribution vs higher return per unit

Roles Needed


  • Generate a short description of your book
  • Identify and nurture evalngelists (people who will promote your book)

Enders vs Repeaters

  • Enders are things you just need to do once
  • Repeaters are things you do at a cadence

Benefits of being an author

  • More or better recognition in the industry
  • Speaking engagements
  • Consulting engagements
  • Book sales

Sections of a book

  • Half title page [title only] (page i)
  • Title page (page iii)
  • Copyright (page iv)
  • Dedication
  • Epigraph (or before main text)
  • Table of contents

  • Foreword (not “forward” or “foreward”)
  • Editor’s preface
  • Author’s preface, or
  • Preface and Acknowledgments

What is the difference between a preface, a foreward, and an introduction
What’s the difference between a Foreword, Preface, and Introduction?


Author briefly explains why they wrote the book
Establish credibility indicating experience in the topic of their book


Most often written by someone other than the author (an expert in the field, a writer of a similar book)
Forewards help the publisher market the book


About the content of the book
Sets the overall theme of the book

Potential Editors

Ricky Hunt -


Writing & Marketing a Book by Jason Alba
Book Marketing Plan 0 the definitive checklist
Writing Advice Archive
So you want to publish a book - Ted Weinstein lightening talk

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