Mark Pearl

Really recommend this book to anyone who is trying to change or get over an addictive habit.

Paragraphs that resonated with me…

Finally, we don’t feel our presentation of Alicia’s case (or any other we’ve given) demonstrates how energy-consuming the process of change can be. It is not uncommon for people to be completely “out of commission” in other areas of their lives as they grapple with these core issues and try to alter the very blueprint of their lives. This decreased capacity to cope with demands in other areas of life often makes those who are trying to change feel guilty

“That was new for me. I realized after we talked how unusual it was for me to be the one asking for help. Friends have always seen me as someone they can depend on—a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, someone who’s there for them in a bind. I’m very comfortable on the giving end. I’ll gladly do things for others, but I don’t want to be a burden so I don’t usually ask when I’m the one who needs something.”

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