Terminal Management
Opening a Terminal
Open a new terminal from outside of a terminal
Open a new tab in the current terminal
Moving Between Terminals
Toggle between terminal tabs
User Management
Who is the current user
Add new user
adduser username
Change current users password
Drive Management
Mounting a Drive
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/Storage -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222
Windows Explorer Equivalent
xdg-open .
Directory Management
Directory Meanings
bin = binary = binary files (executableS)
boot = boot = stuff the system needs to boot
dev = device = printer(s), hard drives, mouse …
etc = etcetera
home = location for home directories
lib = libraries = library files - sort of like dlls in windows
mnt = mount = where some file systems are mounted
opt = optional
root = home directory of the root user
sbin = system binaries like hdparm, fsck, init …
tmp = temporary = storage for temporary files
var = variable = storage for variable data i.e. logs
usr = user files
Init.D Directory
This directory contains start / stop scripts for managing common processes that you don’t normally want to just kill.
Dowloaded Application Installation Location
Always use the package manager when you are installing applications as this will allow for automatic updates etc.
However, if you have downloaded an application and need a location to install it, use the /opt directory.
Applicaiton Management
To find a package that was previously installed on your system using apt-get go to…
Installing a new package
sudo apt-get install PACKAGE_NAME
Removing a package
sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE_NAME
Installing a Tarball
tar -xvzf PACKAGE_NAME.tar.gz
Network Management
Check the following file
Restart a network interface
sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0
Get Ip Addresses
ifconfig -a
Screen Management
Make window full-screen F11
Session Management
sudo poweroff
sudo reboot
Customizing for VIM
Sharing the clipboard between memory registers
How can I copy text to the system clipboard from vim
Map Capslock to trigger Escape
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options "['caps:escape']"
Multiple Ttys over Putty
In screen mode this get’s you to screens menu
ctrl+A + Command
Get Ubuntu Version
lsb_release -a
Network share via cli
net usershare add Documents /home/michael/Documents "Michael documents" everyone:F guest_ok=
Great article on make process and what it means.