Mark Pearl

SQL Injection is the most common form of attack on websites… still…

Attacks can be launched by modifying user input parameters to change the logic of a SQL Statement executed on the server side.


Assume you have a login page with a user name and password. You have the following server side code:

username = getRequestString("userName");
password = getRequestString("passCode");

sql = "SELECT * from Users WHERE Name ='" + username + "' AND Pass = '" + password + "'";

Assume user name is Scott and password is Tiger, this would generate the following SQL

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name ='Scott' AND Pass ='Tiger'

Now, if someone changes the user name and password to the following:

username : ‘or ‘1’=’1
password : ‘or ‘1’=’1

SQL generated would be as follows:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name ='' or '1'='1' AND Pass ='' or '1'='1'

This would bypass the validation since ‘1’ = ‘1’ is always true.

Prevention Measures

  • Do not trust incoming user-inputs - they should always be validated first.
  • Consider parameterized queries
  • Leverage client side validation


Securing Web Applications

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