Mark Pearl

Situation - state of affairs, fact based, unambigous, non-controversial
Complication - what’s changed, making things harder
Question - questions raised by S and C
Answer - answer-first, pyramid-shaped, evidence-based, resolves C 100%

Be on your front foot, not your back foot. Mark things as draft if you want feedback Use links to give detailed supporting evidence instead of putting too many details in the facts.

Narrative style vs Minto Style

Narrative Style

Minto Style

Decorate the writing to make it your own, but don’t loose the framework.

Watch video HeavyBit Industries

Some tips to make it sharper would be order,

  • key points first,
  • then target audience,
  • then general sentiment.

That would just crisp up flow.

E.g. whats important (key), who is it impacting, what are they saying about it.


Executive Communication

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