Mark Pearl




Creating Arrays

Creating an Array Seeded with a Value

let size = 10;
let initialValue = "blah";
new Array(size).join(initialValue);

Another approach for creating an array and populating it with values 1 to 10…

Array.from({length:n}, (_,i)=>i+1)


[...Array(n)].map((_, i) => i+1);

Some other ways to generate prepopulated arrays…

let pipeFix = nums => Array.from({ length: nums.pop() - nums[0] + 1 }, (v, i) => i + nums[0]);
[...Array(max - min + 1)].map((v, i) => i + min);
((min,max) => Array.from(Array(max-min+1),(_,i) => min + i))(Math.min(...nums), Math.max(...nums))

Creating Arrays from strings

Using split operator…

let a = 'this is a string';
a.split('').map(c=> console.log(c));

Using spread operator…

let a = 'this is a string';
[...a].map(c => console.log(c));

Creating Array with unique values

let a = [1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3];
let uniqueA = [ Set(a)];

Maniuplating Arrays

unshift -> array <- push
shift <- array -> pop

Sorting Arrays

An example of sorting values/numbers in an array

function isTriangle(a,b,c)
  [a, b, c] = [a, b, c].sort((x, y) => x-y);
  return a+b > c;

Validating Arrays

Checking if all elements in an array match a criteria

Checks if all elements are numbers

  if (arr.some(x => typeof x != "number")) return "Not all numbers";


The Set object lets you store unique values of any type.

let unique = new Set(['a','a','b','b','c','c']); // a, b, c

Getting values from a set…


More info on Sets


Checking for Null Values

Use the   to return a default value if the first value is null. Remember null is falsey.

Falsey values: null, undefined, false, empty string or 0

const lowercaseCount = str => (str.match(/[a-z]/g) || []).length;


String Functions


String Interpolation

let value = "Blah";
console.log(`Hello ${value}!`);

Checking for null, empty strings

Remember, an empty string is falsey.
Remember, !undefined is truthy.

So you can do something like this…

if (!a) {
  // is emtpy & not null


Check is number is odd

Using modula…

let isOdd = !(n % 2);

or using bitwise checking…

let isOdd = (n & 1);

Check if a number is a whole number / integer

function isWholeNumber(n){
    return Number(n) === n && n % 1 === 0;

Check if a value is a finite number


Squaring Number Syntax

The below code square c to the power of 2

c ** 2

Check if object is a number, but exclude booleans

var s = "1";
return isNaN(s = parseFloat(s)) ? false : true;

Performant way to check if number is odd

let number = 123;
(number & 1)i ? console.log('is odd') : console.log('is even');

Read more

Fast Math.Floor

That ~~ is a double NOT bitwise operator.

It is used as a faster substitute for Math.floor().

Check if value is a number

function isANumber(value) {
  return (value instanceof Number||typeof value === 'number') && !isNaN(value);

Recognizing Integers



if (data === parseInt(data, 10)) { ... }


Rounding to certain decimal places

const roundTo = (n, decimal) => (Math.round(n * Math.pow(10,decimal)) * Math.pow(10,-decimal)).toFixed(decimal);

Map & Reduce

Explanation of Map/Reduce


Closures are functions that refer to independent (free) variables. In other words, the function defined in the closure ‘remembers’ the environment in which it was created.

Below is an example of a closures. A

function buildFun(n){
  var result  = []

  for (let i = 0; i< n; i++) {
    var closure = function() {
      return i;               
  return result;

Read more


Using RegExp

"This is a string value".match(new RegExp(key,'gi'));

Replacing a string with regex

str.replace(/.*/, "replaceing text");

Object Oriented JavaScript

Class Declarations

class ExampleCalss {
  constructor(param1, param2) {
   this.someValue = param1;
   // ... do something

  get propertyX() {
    return this.someValue;

  set propertyX(val) {
    this.someValue = val; 

Duck Typing

Checking that an object has the following function methods on it…

  • sayHoHoHo
  • distributeGifts
  • goDownTheChimney
function isSantaClausable(obj) {
  return ['sayHoHoHo', 'distributeGifts', 'goDownTheChimney'].every(function(methodName) {
    return typeof obj[methodName] == 'function';

Read more on Duck Typing in JavaScript

Functions of Objects / Properties

Checking if a function is attached to an object

var megalomaniac = {
	mastermind: "James Wood",
	henchman: "Adam West",
	birthYear: 1970,
        theBomb: true

var functionThatExists = "theBomb" in megalomaniac; 		// Returns True
var functionThatDoesNotExist = "notTheBomb" in megalomaniac; 	// Returns False

Attaching a function to an existing object…

var megalomaniac = { mastermind : "Agent Smith", henchman: "Agent Smith" };
expect("secretary" in megalomaniac).toBe(false);

megalomaniac.secretary = "Agent Smith";
expect("secretary" in megalomaniac).toBe(true);

Deleting a function from an object…

var megalomaniac = { mastermind : "Agent Smith", henchman: "Agent Smith" };
expect("mastermind" in megalomaniac).toBe(true);

delete megalomaniac.mastermind;
expect("mastermind" in megalomaniac).toBe(false);


function Circle(radius)
	this.radius = radius;

var simpleCircle = new Circle(10);
var colouredCircle = new Circle(5);

Circle.prototype.describe = function () {
	return "This circle has a radius of: " + this.radius;

Private Methods

Json Objects

Check if key is in Json Object

let person = { name : "Mark", surname : "Pearl"}

If ('propertyName' in person) ...

Parse through each key in Json Object

for (let key in object) {
  console.log("key is " + key);
  console.log("value is " + object[key]);


  • Global Scope
  • Local Scope
  • Function Scope
  • Lexical Scope
  • Scope Chain
  • Closures

Everything you wanted to know about javascript scope


Easy way to Run JavaScript

Create a html file called program.html with the following content.

      <script src="program.js">

Create a javacript file called program.js with the following content.

document.writeln("Hello World");

Resetting a prototype override

Array.prototype.join = Array.prototype._join;

Method Parameters

The following is allowed in method signatures…

const lengthOfLine = ([[x1,y1],[x2,y2]]) => (x1 - x2) * (y1 - y2)


Read more on iterators


Useful Methods for Strings
Special Characters and Escape Sequences
File Organization with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Files
Eloquent Javascript
Mozilla Development Network Javascript

Closures at the MDN Prototypes at “Javascript, Javascript… OOP at Eloquent Javascript

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