Mark Pearl

Today I was doing some work work and kept having to parse a log file. After a few hours of doing the same routine stuff I thought I might try and automate it using F#.

It was depressingly simple to achieve…

Example Extract of Text File

ERROR : Drawing num {^BASE^2 }783, surface num 1 uses invalid real colour number 2 warning : The base file has 171 DLT types, the main file has 126. warning : AutoPlan error: There are no base corner units with autoplan 30 (see theme ERROR : Drawing num {^BASE^2 }790, surface num 1 uses invalid real colour number 5 warning : The base file has 171 DLT types, the main file has 126. warning : AutoPlan error: There are no base corner units with autoplan 30 (see theme ERROR : Drawing num {^BASE^10 }600401, surface num 1, is an alias that depends on a DLT type with no entries ERROR : Drawing num {^BASE^10 }600405, surface num 1, is an alias that depends on a DLT type with no entries

So, what I wanted to achieve was to put all the Error entries together and then all the warning entries below it in a parse textfile..

The code looked something like this…

open System.IO open System

let ParseFile = let ParseFile = File.ReadAllLines(“Z:\HomeConcepts_07 Report.err”)

let ParseFileForErrors = 
    |> Seq.filter(fun x -> if x.Contains("_warning_") then false else true)

let ParseFileForWarnings = 
    |> Seq.filter(fun x -> if x.Contains("_warning_") then true else false)

let myFileSet = 
    let mySubFileSet = Seq.append ParseFileForErrors ParseFileForWarnings    
    let FileSummary = "Number of Entries : " + ParseFile.Length.ToString() + " Number of Errors : " + (ParseFileForErrors |> Seq.length).ToString()
    Seq.append ( FileSummary |> Seq.singleton) mySubFileSet

File.WriteAllLines("Z:\\Test.txt", myFileSet)        

ParseFile printfn “Done”

Explanation of Code

In ParseFile I create a sequence with each element as a line entry from the file.

I then filter the error elements, and generate a sequence, and do the same for the warning messages.

Finally in myFileSet I put all the sequences together and output them using the File.WriteAllLines

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