Mark Pearl

Chapter 3 - Handling CORS Requests

This chapter provided an overview of how CORS works from the server’s perspective.

Server Origin Same-origin request Yes No, different schema
http://localhost:1111 http://localhost:9999 No, different ports
http://localhost:9999 No, different hosts

3 key players

The client, which initiates the cross-origin request The browser, which manages the communication between the client and the server The server, which serves data that the client wants

HTTP headers needed for a basic CORS request

  • The browser sends the Origin header to indicate where a request is coming from.
  • An origin is defined as the scheme, host, and port portion of a URL.
  • The server responds with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header if the request is valid.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin header supports two values

Setting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to * allows cross-origin requests from any client. Setting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to a specific origin value only allows cross-origin requests from that specific client.

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