Mark Pearl


When a http request is made, the following basic flow happen…

MVC Route Handler > Controller

The controller determines the action, if the action result returns a view, the view renderer will return the correct view.

Passing information from Controller to View

  • The ViewBag
  • ViewDataDictionary
  • Strongly typed views with a view model

Strongly typed views with a view model

@using Guestbook.Models  	// Where the model is stored
@model TypeOfModel		// The type of the model  
<div> @model.FieldName </div>

Dependency Injection with Controllers

Asp.Net Controller Dependency Injection for Beginners

Manual Dependency Injection

Assume we have removed the default constructor on the home controller and instead our home controller has a dependency on persistenceService. We can manually get dependency injection working by doing the following.

  • Create a custom controller factory
  • Wire up the builder current factory to the custom controller

Create the following custom controller factory…

public class CustomControllerFactory : IControllerFactory
	readonly persistenceService _persistenceService;

	public CustomControllerFactory()
		_persistenceService = new persistenceService();

	public IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
		if (controllerName.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("home"))
			var controller = new HomeController(_persistenceService);
			return controller;

		var defaultFactory = new DefaultControllerFactory();
		return defaultFactory.CreateController(requestContext, controllerName);

	public SessionStateBehavior GetControllerSessionBehavior(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
		return SessionStateBehavior.Default;

	public void ReleaseController(IController controller)
		var disposable = controller as IDisposable;
		if (disposable != null)

In the global.asax.cs file make the following changes…

private void RegisterCustomControllerFactory()
	IControllerFactory controllerFactory =new CustomControllerFactory();

protected void Application_Start()

Using an IOC container for Dependency Injection

  • Add Unity.Mvc4 to the project via nuget
  • Register the types in the Bootstrapper.cs file

Using Dependency Injection for Views

For dependency injection in views you need to use property injection.

Create a class that the view will inherit from…

public class DependencyResolvedBasePage : WebViewPage
	public IDependentService DependentService {get; set;}

	public ovveride void Execute()

In the view have something like…

@inherits DependencyResolvedBasePage

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